Tag Archives: animal cruelty

Instant Karma’s Gonna Get You

I may (or may not) get flak for this post, but I’m not interested in opposing views on this one.  I know I mentioned it in an earlier post, but I can not stand for the animal cruelty I’m seeing here in India involving dogs.  I sat through a tour today and I listened to a man give me a long speech about how to be hindu is to be caring to all creatures.  Bullshit.  I’ve watched children run up and hit sleeping dogs, then run after them with the stick, grown men throw rocks at their ‘sacred’ cows, and today I saw a man swerve intentionally to run over a puppy, as the girl on the back of the bike laughed.  Fuck that, I don’t have to accept that.  And I don’t buy into this happy ‘hindus respecting life’ crap, when this is what I see.  I understand that this is not everyone, I have seen one man call over a dog and pet him, and I noticed that our driver stays away from dogs, but I’ve seen way more incidents of abuse that I’m sickened by. And the condition of the stray dogs in India is appalling. Just because a dog is a stray doesn’t mean it has to be skin and bones starving.  For example, Greece or Turkey.  In Greece the people take it upon themselves to take care of stray animals, and in Turkey there are rescues where the dogs are tagged and cared for.

 So, I don’t know if it’s possible, but for all you people who are thinking about adopting a dog from outside the country, see if you can find one from India, because they are the lowest on the totem pole here.  Even though these abusers are not good hindus, I hope their karma gets them in the end.

India Dog